Our vision
The three parts of our vision are central to all we do. We want to seek His Presence, build Our Community and be Their Hope.
His Presence
A church where God dwells by His Spirit. A church where we encounter God in our worship and in our meetings. A church which walks with God in all we do.

Our Community
A church where we grow together in Christ. A church that loves and supports one another as a family.
Their Hope
A church which offers the hope of the gospel to everyone. A church that loves the community around us. A church that makes a difference to Hatfield and beyond.

Our five values underpin what we do as a church.
We want to be the kind of people that reflect God’s heart and character, demonstrating the following culture traits.
Jesus has broken sin and shame. We want to be real as we create an environment where we are confident to be ourselves. We are called to shine with truth and integrity and be trustworthy.

Jesus gave up everything for us, so we’re learning how to be radically generous to each other and the world around us. We can joyfully serve others with our time, gifts and resources.
Nothing is impossible for God. We want to be willing to take big steps of faith with Him, being courageous in both our outlook and our actions. We want to speak up or reach out even when it feels difficult or risky, demonstrating God’s kingdom wherever we go.

Every person is made in God’s image. We need to honour ourselves as His loved sons and daughters, and extend that same respect and value to everyone we meet. We seek to acknowledge and spur on others in their gifts and give real, tangible encouragement to one another.
We have encountered God’s unconditional love. We want to welcome anyone and everyone with the same kindness and love, whatever their background or history. With a heart of humility, we seek to grow in deeper relationships as we learn from one another.

We all need forgiveness because we all fall short. God has forgiven us so we forgive others. In grace, we want to make allowances for one another, choosing to communicate, forgive quickly and walk in love and acceptance once more.
As a church, we believe God has called us to be influential, international and integrated.