9th December 2023 | Gram Seed preached on peace at our carol service

Psalm 133
15th October 2023 | Joint service with Trinity church and KCU. Duncan Hanton preached on Psalm 133

Hunger for God's presence
2nd July 2023 | Joint weekend with Trinity church. Wendy Mann preached on hunger for God's presence

God as Father
1st July 2023 | Joint weekend with Trinity church. Wendy Mann preached on God as Father

Embracing grief and loss
1st July 2023 | Joint weekend with Trinity church. Wendy Mann preached on Embracing grief and loss

Parable of the Sower
25th June 2023 | Emma Mathes led a bible study on the parable of the sower

Jesus heals a blind man
28th May 2023 | Lizzie Stacey led a bible study on blind Bartimaeus

21st May 2023 | Emma Mathes preached on friendship

30th April 2023 | Duncan Hanton preached at our baptism service

Called on a journey
23rd April 2023 | Clive Sharpe preached on Called on a journey