Self sufficiency
1st July 2018 | David Rigby preached part 1 in our sermon series "Rocks of the heart"
And we shall be like Him
20th May 2018 | Dom Long preached part 7 in our sermon series "Our greatest expectation"
Born again creation
13th May 2018 | David Rigby preached part 6 in our sermon series "Our greatest expectation"
What happens at the end?
6th May 2018 | David Rigby preached part 5 in our sermon series "Our greatest expectation"
What about creation?
29th April 2018 | Dom Long preached part 4 in our sermon series "Our greatest expectation"
What's it all about?
22nd April 2018 | Jonathan Killen preached part 3 in our sermon series "Our greatest expectation"
Where is Jesus now?
15th April 2018 | David Rigby preached part 2 in our sermon series "Our greatest expectation"
Where did Jesus go?
8th April 2018 | David Rigby preached part 1 in our sermon series "Our greatest expectation"
What to do when we think differently
18th February 2018 | Jonathan Killen preached part 4 in our sermon series "KCC culture - acceptance"
What we think of ourselves
11th February 2018 | Dom Long preached part 3 in our sermon series "KCC culture - acceptance"